Painting tyre tracks: A guide for you

The basic tread of a tyre contains jagged lines that run parallel to each other. The image of this tread can also be used in art projects, crafts, and Halloween costumes along with Halloween installations. If you want to paint a tyre track, find an image of a tyre treads available near you and you will be able to paint it. Just crack on.

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Steps to be followed

1. Start with painting a stripe along the path of the track of tyre. Keep it in mind that the left edge of the stripe should be straight, but you need to leave the left edge of the stripe jagged. The points of the jagged side of the stripe should be of equal height and they need to be dispersed in an equal way.

2. Now paint a jagged line along the jagged side of the stripe you have already painted in step 1. This jagged line will be similar to the path and shape of the jagged side of the stripe you painted in step 1. You need to keep a space in between the two jagged edges.

3. Paint a third jagged line that will be along the right side of the stripe you painted in step 2. The path and shape of this jagged line will mimic the one you painted in step 2. Again it needs a space in between the two jagged edges.

4. Along the right side of stripe painted in step 3, paint a fourth jagged line. The shape and path of the jagged line will mimic the one you painted in step 3. In between the two jagged edges, keep a space.

5. Paint a fifth jagged line along the right side of the stripe you painted in step 4. It will be imitating the shape and path of the jagged line you painted in step 4. A space in between the two jagged edges is a must. Make the right side of this jagged edge a straight line, it should not be jagged. This line will be the far right side of the tyre track.

Tip as bonus

If you repeat the image of a tyre track again, you may create a stencil for painting the tyre track.

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