The Fiat automobile manufacturer produces a variety of Fiat models. With an extensive line of vehicles such as Fiat’s, there is a wide range of Fiat tyres to choose from. The most important factor is the Fiat tyre size. Ensuring you buy Fiat tyres that are the correct size for your vehicle is extremely important. Becoming knowledgeable on reading car tyre labels is imperative. These labels which are part of the EU regulations offer consumers more knowledge on the safety of Fiat tyres. These tyre labels also include identifying factors pertaining to Fiat winter tyres ice and snow performance and also include mileage and wear ratings.
Tyre labels in the UK currently include three pictures identifying fuel economy, noise and wet grip. These pictures are to let the consumer know the efficiency of the tyres in these areas. Fiat tyres with the best fuel economy have a green “A” rating and tyres with the worst fuel consumption are rated with a red “G” rating. Tyres on a Fiat vehicle account for approximately 20% of overall consumption of fuel. Wet grip ratings range from A to G. Wet grip ratings pertain to the stopping distances in wet weather. Noise ratings are identified by sound wave bars. It measures the external noise of the tyres. When deciding on which Fiat tyres to buy whether you are looking for cheap Fiat tyres or are not concerned about Fiat tyres prices, understanding tyre labelling is important.